Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Interesting List

I sometimes just read wikipedia when I'm bored, and I can across this list that I thought was interesting.

Signs of approaching death

  1. reduced verbalization (speaking less) and reduced responsiveness
  2. increased lethargy and sleep
  3. confused when awake
  4. decreased intake of food and liquids with difficulty swallowing
  5. periods of paused breathing which may alternate with rapid breathing
  6. noisy breathing ("death rattle") from accumulating throat secretions
  7. hands, arms, feet and legs become colder
  8. darkening and/or blotches may appear at the extremities
  9. loss of bowel and/or bladder control
  10. blood pressure begins to fall

Anyway, comment right when you read this! Just say a crazy word if you want, I'm trying to measure my blog traffic. If you're a super secrective spy reading this then I feel free to badmouth you at my own discretion.


At 5:57 PM, Blogger Maranatha said...

Word to your mother

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Maranatha said...

Looks like you blog traffic smells.

A;though, I do check it every day. I just assumed that I was only supposed to leave a comment the first time.


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