It's been a little while since I've updated you guys, so I'll stick to the exciting/recent stuff.
Forgive the possible typos, it's late.
So Saturday was my first aid training day, from 9:30 to 6:00. For an 8-hour course, it was a surprisingly good day. I needed to do said training before Don's Orientation, but I didn't really think about the fact that all the other Dons need it too.
So I get there, and who do I see? Rachel! (The girl I'm going to be donning with) So we sat together and were partners for all the activities, scenarios, and role-playing in the course. It was a good sort of "Don bonding" day for us, since we'll be working so closely together come Spring term. You all of a sudden feel like you know someone much better if you've had to make physical contact with them all day, it builds familiarity and trust. It was also fortunate for me because she's a girl, and we were the only guy/girl pair in the eight person class. As Binks put it; "doing first aid training with a girl is more or less second base."
I behaved myself!
Our instructor was really good, he was a student here at UW and he seemed to spend as little time as possible with the books and as much time as possible doing the scenarios. (The scenarios are much more fun, and probably more practical.) I also got to show off my manly strength by carrying her across the room in the "car crash" scenario. (With a gas leak) Unfortunately it took 3 girls working together to move me in one of the other scenarios, I'm only 160 pounds ladies!
All in all it was a pretty good day. Afterwards Binks and I got together and made buffalo wings and brownies for dinner. Well, more like Binks made, I helped and made spaghetti at the same time. We're awesome!
You might notice the time stamp on this post is around 3:00 am, and the cleverest among you will also note that I have to wake up at 7:30 to get ready for work. Well tonight I've finally been getting done my "here's looking at you" page for the Spring Dons website. I'll post that tomorrow, it's kind of a big file and I don't want to timeout and lose this post...
Speaking of losing things, my first attempt at that "Here's looking at You" page was... well... lost forever. I was only planning to play with the program (Corel something something, ask Binks) but I ended up making an almost complete poster without saving, then had some error come up and close the program. It was 2 hours of work, gone. That was at 1:00am.
I decided to rebuild while it was fresh in my mind, and I knew it wouldn't take as long since I was now familiar with the program. However, sometime around 2:15 I heard some sort of disturbance. A loud, angry, cursing disturbance coming from the parking lot that I can barely see out my window. It sounded like a bunch of guys threatening what I assumed to be some other guy. I looked as far out towards the parking lot and saw the loud group of guys walking towards the street, and as somebody passed by them one guy yelled "you didn't see nothing, so just keep walking!" (insert curse words where appropriate)
It seemed to me that whatever they were doing wasn't kosher.
So I grabbed my sweater, saved my file (I learned) and put on my running shoes. From the threats and yelling I heard it had sounded to me like these guys either beat some guy up and left him in the parking lot, or had someone with them who didn't particularly want to be there. I figured I couldn't really call 911 unless I had something solid, so I headed outside. I did a quick scan of the parking lot they had been in, but I didn't see a mangled body or blood, so I went out towards the street. I could hear voices from down towards UWP (near Molly Bloom's) so I jogged down in that direction.
Turns out somebody beat me to the call. There were two police cars sitting in front of Molly's and I could tell from the voice of the guy in handcuffs that he was one of the guys from the parking lot. I walked by just to see if I could hear what was going on, but I didn't hear much worth telling. Since I was only wearing pajama pants and a sweater over a T-shirt I decided to turn around since it was pretty cold. One of the cops saw me and asked me to "come over here for a second." He just asked some questions (the point of which was to test and see if I were one of the drunk hooligans that ran away, I believe I passed said test) and then I headed home.
However, the thing I realized when he called me over was that I
didn't have my cell phone. Mr. Genius here forgets to grab the one thing critical to his whole reconnaissance mission. So it's probably a really good thing that somebody else had called the cops. It must have been quite the ruckus, because as a left a third police car had arrived.
The moral of the story is: Saving each other's lives is a good Don bonding activity, but always remember your cell phone when you head out to bust some hooligan skulls.