Thursday, November 23, 2006

Small World

Alright, so tonight the karate club had a special guest instructor, all the way from Stratford! Huzzah for us! Anyway, he was a good guy, with a bit of that "Stratford flair" if you catch my drift. Maybe he was just eccentric, I dunno. Anyway, we did a bunch of ju jitsu stuff (which is one of my favourite things) and he brought 3 people from his dojo to help out. It was a good class, but my story really starts afterwards when we all went to McGinnis Front Row for.

I was sitting at the end of the table with a few people from the UW club as well as an orange belt guy and a black belt girl from Stratford. (As for names, ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies.) Anyway, the orange belt guy is a 2nd year engineer and I happened to hear him utter the words "kind of a dick" when talking about someone in his program he knew. I gasped and immediately exclaimed "You mean Travis Ricard!" Guess what folks? He did mean Travis! What a small world.

In his defense, he said afterward that "he isn't really a bad guy, he just panics all the time and it gets on your nerves." So if Travis google's his own name, finds this, and is insulted by this guy's comments I would advise against the course of violence. I just thought it was funny that somebody I met randomly at a karate seminar would be talking about someone I went to school with in the bar afterwards.

Good times.



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