Drink 'er Up Boys It's Well After Ten!
Binks and I stumbled through the introduction of that song last night while waiting in line at Mongolian before giving a rousing rendition of the chorus. For the curious the song is "Jakey's Gin."
But let's not get ahead of ourselves, I say the best place to start a post is at the beginning. Rewind!
Work has been pretty good lately. I found it surprising that Dan knows the guy I work with, but there you go. You're allowed to listen to your music at work, so even if I'm doing something boring I don't care because the time passes quickly with my tunes playing. Plus, if someone has some sort of task to do that they don't really want to do they get the helpdesk co-ops, so we've had a few interesting tasks to do. Like getting rid of Jimmy the squealer...
You didn't see nothing!
I also found this while I was updating the seating plan that shows who sits where in the office. I thought it was hilarious. The kit on the table says "pimp my cubicle."
Mike and I also met a guy that has a $10 000 telescope in his backyard, he had some awesome pictures around his desk. Like, he had a picture of Saturn that he took from his back yard, and it looked like something you'd see in an encyclopedia. And he took that picture from his backyard! I was impressed. He also had a picture of the moon which looked like it was taken from orbit, which he had taken from his (guess where!) backyard. Cool stuff.
The thesaurus doesn't have an entry for "backyard."
As you probably know it was Jordan's birthday this past week, sometime on Tuesday. To celebrate the 20-year anniversary of Jordan's daring escape from the womb Binks, Jordan and I all got together at good old UW this weekend after Jordan's training. I'm sure they're going to post about it too, but I'll have pictures in mine, and maybe even video footage!
However, I may as well post this now and the weekend story later, since I've had this saved as a draft for two days now without a real chance to work on it. It's pushing midnight right now, so I'll probably not get back to this until Thursday night, but for now just consider the above paragraph a teaser for the next post.
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I'm hurt!
it's because you touch yourself at night...
Way to change font sizes half-way through the post :P
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