Monday, December 11, 2006

This Hurts Me

It seriously hurt my brain. I as a mathematician salute this man for his valiant efforts, and I think he did the right thing by posting it on the internet for all to enjoy.

It's 20 minutes of terrible customer service.

It's linked to in a CAD news post, just scroll down and you'll see it.

It's sad that he went through so many people who didn't know 0.02 dollars is not 0.02 cents. I guess it's because in the States their math is done primarily in fractions instead of decimals (because the imperial system poorly translates to decimals) so basic elementary and high school math can't help these people.

So just as a note to my readership, never, ever, under any circumstance should you support Verizon wireless.

That is all.



At 11:07 PM, Blogger Danger said...

I find it sad that even though he was right, he still had to pay.

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Maranatha said...

Holy leaping jesus, I'm so happy that I know how to do math in my head.

He was still fucking it up for himself a bit, though. Had I been in the same position, I would have tried to show that 0.002 cents is 0.00002 dollars. Then by multiplying the usage, you'd get a correct dollar figure. However, when this guy finally tried that, he tried to tell the woman that 0.002 dollars is equal to 0.00002 cents, which I'm sure only served to heighten the confusion.

Jordan, Binks: No one cares.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Danger said...

I would have told the guy to put 2 pennies on his desk, and tell me how many cents that was. Then I'd ask him how he'd put that in the calculator.

If he said 0.02 cents, I'd shoot him in the mouth. Or I'd point back to the penny example if the first option was unavailable.


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