I'm home, I'm getting settled, but I'm not forgetting the loyal readership. Let's get started.
I had my last exam at 12:30 on Saturday. This exam was #4 in the last 5 days, and I was tired of studying, so not much good studying actually got done. I could have done better, but I'm sure I survived that midterm, and I had a good term mark so that class should be fine. In any case, I had now earned...
HUZZAH! So what did I do? Well, nothing wild, sorry to disappoint, but a few things worthwhile. I did dinner with Liam and Jordan on Saturday, with some of the more memorable quotes being as follows:
"Yeah, you probably don't want to get stuck going the butt route, it makes for an embarrassing trip to the hospital." (I think this one if funnier if you don't know the context of the conversation.)
"Yeah, but if small animals were made of chocolate, wouldn't they melt in the summer?"
"You gotta dig up your whole friggin' yard to catch a groundhog, but its worth it."
Anyway, we managed to talk long enough to make Liam more than half an hour late for a meeting with a guy who was quite interested in being the porker's neighbour for the winter term. How'd that go Liam? You kinda just ran off, and I usually expect 2nd base or better if I buy someone a nice meal...
Unfortunately due to Liam's quick departure I didn't get a chance to tempt those two with an offer of some Starcraft that night. Luckily, I can improvise. I ended up playing Civ 3 until three in the morning, then (when my arms were getting tired) I decided to call it a night.
I woke up at about 1:00 the next day, and it was wonderful. Realizing that I had no breakfast food a small Sobey's trip seemed in order. I got moving remarkably quickly, I left by 1:15 and returned at 2:30. That's with a shower and brushed teeth, for my more hygienically challenged readership. Then, since it was a nice day I figured I'd just go out and wander around for a bit. Due to certain topics of discussion at the previous evening's dinner I ended up chasing some ground hogs. Don't ask. Just don't.
A little after 4:00 I figured it was getting darker, and colder, so I decided to swing by Jordan's place to borrow a movie. First up was Reservoir Dogs. That was a good movie, really had me pulled into the story. It helps that I got to use the 42 inch TV with surround sound that we have in basement, that was a sweet setup. I finished the movie, made some toast, and headed back to Jordan's place. (aka free movie rental central.)
Next up was Napoleon Dynamite. I knew I needed to watch that, just to be able to get the cultural references to it that pop up everywhere. It made me laugh, but it was cheap thrills. Not really much substance there. There were a couple of girls that showed up 5 minutes in and watched it with me, but they seemed to have seen it many times before. I did get some fuzzy peaches out of the arrangement, so I call that a net gain. That could have been innuendo, but I assure you it was not.
So now it's about 8:30, time for more movies! This time I went for "Big Fish" to finish off my night. (At this point I would like to thank Jordan for being such a good sport about me borrowing all these movies.) He was at about 30 hours of no sleep at this point, and needed something to eat so I came with him to the good old V1 caf. I kept inadvertently using phrases such as "I'm getting pretty tired" while he glared at me for being cheeky. (Jordan: 30+ hours since he last slept, Me: 9) It was like sitting in a bar with Chuck Norris and offhandedly saying "you know, I'm pretty tough."
Anyway, on my way back I noticed Beth's light was on. I had kind of been meaning to visit her all day, but she wasn't around. (I can see her "I'm at" poster through the door's window.) My brain seemed to battle about whether or not to knock. Sometimes when I visit (and it's usually in even spaced intervals of about a month) she seems to be busy and just too nice to say it, so I feel like I'm being annoying. Other times I get a big smile and a hug and she's all like "hey, how's it going!" and so on.
Anyway, the first part of my brain had what seemed to be a logical argument. We'll call this guy a mix of fear and general insecurity. He suggested Beth was probably studying for some exam and gets enough interruptions from her house as it is without me. He also pointed out that it was late (after 10:00) and that she was probably going to bed soon. I got as far as the front door before this prick convinced me I should let it go. So I headed on home.
The second part of my brain is hard to define, but I love this muthafucker. He's tough, he's clever, he's brave, and most importantly he's honourable. I can usually count on this guy to point me in the right direction, the problem is he's not always there when I need him. He was there on Sunday though, good thing too. He was asleep for a while, but when I walked away he started waking up. First thing he says as I'm passing the PAC is
where do you think you're going you dumb shit? (At this point, I'm gonna start calling him Dwight, since he likes to swear.)
You know damn well Beth doesn't have another exam. Her MSN name said 3/4 done for two days before you saw her in the same exam as you, so use your head. Nobody's moving out at 10 on a Sunday night, so she's not saying any important goodbyes. Get your shit together man!
Well she might be going to bed soon...
If she was, she wouldn't have her light on!
I'm already passed her place, plus its cold so why turn back?
Man up, it's gonna take you about 5 minutes to walk back. You haven't seen Beth in a month, and if you don't drop by it's gonna be another month before you get another chance. Go back, knock, and if nobody lets you in then at least you fucking tried. You promised her you'd visit when she cried on your shoulder and she's not someone you're gonna let down.
At this point Dwight punched that other guy in the stomach and he went down for the count. Good job Dwight, give 'em another one! I turned around and headed back.
It turns out Dwight was right, she was done exams and she was just sitting around putting her "goodbye to my residents" cards in their envelopes. I'd like to take this opportunity to say she looked great, like she had been dressed up to go out somewhere. I have to admit, that other guy seemed to have come to at that point, since I couldn't really remember the things I meant to use as conversation starters. I told her about my donning, and she was like "yeah, I already knew, I asked my boss about you." She cleared some space on the couch for me, and I shut up and watched some TV with her.
Truth be told, shutting up was probably was a good idea since she had been watching "My Best Friend's Wedding" and probably wanted to see how it ended. I'd seen it before, but at the risk of being called a pansy I'd like to say I love that movie. It's kind of a chick flick, but I love the fact that Julia Roberts doesn't end up breaking up the wedding. Instead she does the right (yet painful) thing, and it works for me. I hate those movies where they justify breaking up a wedding by having the "other" person be a complete dick. Also, I love the gay guy in MBFW, if I were gay that is exactly what I would be like.
Anyway, I stayed until the movie was over and then decided to head out, since Beth was going to slip her letters under everyone's doors anyway. That bastard decided to speak up, something like "alright, well I hope I didn't interfere your duties" or something stupid like that. She replied with a friendly "nope, I'm glad you came by, it's nice seeing you." He started whispering to me that even if I was interrupting something Beth would be too nice to point that out, but Dwight came back with a 2 by 4 and clocked him in face.
Take it at face value buddy, she's a sweet girl and she's not gonna pull the wool over your eyes. If you listen to this dick he'd convince you everyone was just putting up with up. Keep you chin up.I smiled and headed back out for home. (UW home, but still home to me.) Really, the rest of these details don't matter, and the leading up details didn't matter either. I've typed 'em already, so they stay, but this story is really here to illustrate a point.
Don't you ever wish you could get rid of that bastard for good? That voice that makes you unsure about stuff, gets you all worried and confused. I'm not talking about schizophrenic voices here, but the personification helps. Don't you hate it when you get all weak-kneed and dry-mouthed in an important social situation? Or you get distracted while you're studying because he points out that there's not much time left before that exam?
I wish I could get Dwight a gun for Christmas. Unfortunately, I think he's too humanitarian to put that bastard down, but sometimes I swear it'd be for the best.
I know, kinda heavy stuff here but I just let the writing flow and this is where I arrived. I'm be clever again soon, don't worry.
Expect the next post to be more lighthearted and about video games. Special attention will be paid to games that start with "Star" and end with "Craft."